Friday, July 24, 2009

The Course of a Life

After months and months of waiting, I finally saw (500) Days of Summer. I have been eagerly awaiting its release ever since I saw an ad for it on spring break. Spring break! That was a long time ago.

It was a very charming, unexpected movie. It is by no means your classic love story; it's quirky. But that only adds to its delightfullness. I love the way that time jumps around in no particular order, but makes perfect sense. I love the illustrations that pop in and out. I love the chemistry between Zooey and Joe. I love the outfits Zooey and Joe wear. I love Zooey and Joe in general as actors. And I love, love, love the soundtrack!

I must admit that I wasn't enthralled by the ending; it basically worked, however there were elements of it that I would have changed. And don't worry, I won't tell you what they are so as not to ruin the movie for anyone who wishes to see it. Which I strongly suggest!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A Very Happy Birthday to Another Teen

Yesterday I was watching Sixteen Candles and was reminded of the greatness that is 80's fashion. Sure, some of it was wacko (as are parts of any time), and a portion of the hair leaves a bit to be desired, but it is the general feel of the whole of it that amazes. It is the way that everyone seemed to care about what they put on every morning. And not in the whatlabelareyouwearing high brow fashionista way of today.

Especially so in the trifecta of Sixteen Candles, The Breakfast Club, and Pretty in Pink you see the delicate way that outfits are constructed with care; not because people were all shallow back then, but because they cared enough not to look like slobs all the time. And boy did these ladies know how to accessorize; hats, necklaces, pins, scarves, bags, etc.

Even the geeks looked put together at all times in button downs, sweaters, sweater vests and nerdy tee's.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Shop It To Me

I was recently alerted to this spectacular web site that tells you when all of your favorite brands have sales. And it's not just the high end ones. Sure there are those like Prada and Dolce & Gabana that are still unattainable even at a sale price, but Shop It To Me offers over 600 women's brands, over 300 men's brands, and over 100 kid's brands from Old Navy to American Apparel to 7 For All Mankind to Alexander Wang to Chanel to any other price point.

You start by selecting a base of the type of items you would like to receive notices about; women's, men's, boys, girls.

Then, you choose the type of items you would like to receive notices about; dresses, outerwear, intimates, sleepwear, denim, dress pants, suits, blazers, casual pants, jewlrey, hangbags, belts, shoes, tees, sweaters, jeans, atletic shirts, atletic pants, skirts, casual shirts, dress shirts. (this list is similar, but differs slightly for men).

Next, you choose which sizes you would like to recieve notices about, with different options for tops (including neck size and sleeve length for men), bottoms, shoes, and intamates.

You can recieve e-mail updates daily or weekly. In the e-mail you will see an abreviated version of notices; go to the bottom of the page to click on a link that will take you to the full list.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Crackle Pop

Click to enlarge this wonderfully hilarious how-to on being captured by the Sartorialist.

Oblong Delight

Looking for a change from the ordinary pizza? Try Zing!, a blossoming pizzeria in Porter Square.

Everything about Zing! is unusual; from the oblong, ovular pizza shape, to the 100% recyclable waste. Zing! pizzas are thin crust, piled with the freshest, highest quality ingredients. They have your average cheese and pepperoni, but then they have others like the Blue October. It starts off with a squash sauce. On top of this sits a layer of mozzarella, baby spinach, and caramelized onions. To top it off, there is a sprinkling of bleu cheese. Now, I have to admit, at first this did not seem an appetizing option; the squash sauce inticed me, however, I am not a fan of bleu cheese. But somehow, this wonderful combo managed to wow my tastebuds, and three slices later I could barely walk.

Even the perperoni has its own twist; made with all natural vegetarian fed beef and pork, they resemble a donought, rather than the hole (instead of little circles, they are big ones with no middle). There are always four of five offerings that change, if not daily, often. However, the cheese stays, as does the Blue October; the former being a classic, the latter being a hit.

Nothing served or sold is trash; all can be recycled, so if you eat in, when you walk over to dispose of leftovers, there is a place for everything. Three different signs sit over your three choices. In the middle sits a bin for plates, cups and silverware. To the left is a hole in which to place your paper recycling which include napkins and recycled paper plates. To the right is hole in which to place your glass bottles.

It's a small place with four window seats, and only five or six tables. It is lovely and delicious and I strongly suggest you check it out.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Discover Magic

Check out the fantabulous new LP from Rotsam Batmanglij of Vampire Weekend and and Wes Miles of Ra Ra Riot

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Or Blue

Today, I went to the beach again. This time for a bit more r and r. Again, a 2009 summer first I am afraid to say. I only spent fifteen minutes in the water (about the time it took for me to fully submerge myself in the cold water). After that I took a little siesta in the warm rays. It wasn't quite as hot as yesterday, but rather lovely and warm and sun-kissed.

I am such a west coast girl at heart; I love the beach hair that the salt water gives me (if only beach body worked the same way), the sand between my toes, the sun on my back, and even the feeling of that sunscreen/ocean film that coats my body after a day at the beach. I would love to be a beach bum for a summer; get a job on the beach and spend all my free time sailing, swimming and hitting up local flea markets. If I could get a group together to do this with me and split rent, I would be such a happy camper! I don't think I would last at this for a life goal, but a summer of it sounds wonderful.

I managed to snap some shots today, however they were on the Holga, not the Polaroid, so the posting of them will have to wait until I can find the time and location to develop and print a few. I really hope that they come out; Holga's can be so unpredictable. Which is part of the charm of course.

B is for Bouyancy

Yesterday I embarked upon my first sailing outting of the summer. I remember when I was little and my parents planned my days; we would go sailing every nice weekend! Alas, I am now old enough to plan my own days, and don't have quite the same amount of time to spare. Or the weather for that matter.

Anywhosie, it was really hot yesterday and I was super excited as we got going, however I was more shocked than I had expected to be when I got the first blast of waves. The water temperature stood in stark contrast to the air around it. Yikes! My dad has a Hobie Cat, which is what they call a wet sail boat. It looks like the one at the top of the page, however that is not it. The color is called Tequila Sunrise. Hopefully I will have some photo opportunities next time.

The wind was strong, and my brother was on a bit of an adrenaline rush. Know how I know? Because he was shouting, "Woah! The adreniline is serging! Dude! Bob Dole! Bob Dole! Oh mylanta! The adreniline is kicking in!" The boy could do with a chill pill.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Non-Photo Blue

For those of you who live in and around Newtonville, I strongly recommend you hit up Newtonville Camera for all of your photo needs. (Oh, and of course, I'm talking film. I believe that they cater to the digital demographic, but I can not speak to that since I flatly refuse to purchase a digital camera.) This has been my tried-and-true one-stop camera shop since my first photography class freshman year. They have a pretty sizable counter devoted to used cameras, which is nice for me because I seem to be cursed. I have had three cameras in the past two years. Yikes!

And of course, they have the usual assortment of film and paper, but in addition to their already low prices, they have a 10% student discount! They also develop and print film at a very reasonable rate. Personally, I like to do that myself. However, I would like to get a roll or two of color Holga film done at some point.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


On Sunday I went shopping and did surprisingly well. I have has zero luck in the way of clothing purchases lately, which is a good thing, as my bank account has become much fuller in response. But I scored 3 bras, a pair of black jeans, a light jacket, and some super fun boxers for my little bro's birthday. I have actually been needing all of those, and the best part is that even after my $16 sushi lunch, I returned home having spent less than $130. Oh Wrentham, how you please me.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Color Purple

I need more of purple. It is such a lovely color, but somehow it is seriously lacking from my wordrobe. Although I am in constant search, it is difficult to find a nice purple. I have a lot of blues and greens and reds; it is easy to find shades that I like. But purple is hard. I have one purple dress, one purple shirt, one purple hat that i knitt, and two pairs of purple undies. Oh, and I found some lovely purple nail polish yesterday.

Monday, July 6, 2009


Due to the endless rain that has blessed us (which is mercifully on hiatus), I was sitting around watching VH1 the other day, and stumbled across one of their 'greatest' shows. This one happened to be the 40 Greatest Internet Superstars, and I was reminded of this little baby:

Ok Go - Here It Goes Again from Joshwa on Vimeo.

I'm not sure how people stand on the coolness of this video, or whathaveyou, but it just makes me smile. I particularly like when they go straight across the treadmills as if skating. Ahh, the beauty.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Consign Me Up

A few days ago I did a piece on Second Time Around, and I thought that it would be useful to compile a larger list of consignment services in and around Boston, so here ya go:

Porch and Wardrobe in Arlington
For current, older (as in age; it's my mom's favorite) pieces. 10 week consignment period.
Call 781-641-3325 to set up an appointment.
You will receive 40% of the final selling price.

Wearovers in Bedford
For designer. 9 week consignment period minimum.
No appointment necessary.
You will receive 40% of the final selling price.

The Closet on Newbury st. in Boston
For designer. 60 day consignment period.
Call 617-536-1919 to set up an appointment.
You will receive 40% of the final selling price.

Encore Exchange in Brookline
For designer. Clothing is consigned until the end of the season, 1 year for jewelry.
Call 617-566-4544 to set up an appointment.
You will receive 50% of the final selling price.

Eva B in Brookline
For anything in season. 60 day consignment period.
Call 617-487-4488 to set up an appointment.
You will receive 40% of the final selling price.

Raspberry Beret in Cambridge
For mint condition current, recycled, vintage and more.
60 day consignment period.
Call 617-354-3700 to set up an appointment.
You will receive 40% of the final selling price.

The Closet Exchange in Needham
For everything; Old Navy to Chanel. 60 day consignment period.
Call 71881-449-7344 to set up an appointment.
You will receive 50% of the final selling price.

Lisa's Closet in Newtonville
For vintage.
Call 617-340-3091 to set up an appointment.
(Lisa is a bit erratic)

Second Appearance in Newtonville
For anything in season. 60 day consignment period.
Call 617-527-7655 to set up an appointment.
You will receive 40% of the final selling price.

Finders Keepers in Quinsy
For current fashions. 60 day consignment period.
Call 617-328-5775 to set up an appointment.
You will receive 50% of the final selling price.

Poor Little Rich Girl in Somerville
For current styles and vintage. 60 day consignment period.
Call 617-684-0157 to set up an appointment.
You will receive 40% of the final selling price.

Raspberry Beret in Wakefield
For mint condition current, recycled, vintage and more.
60 day consignment period.
Call 781-245-2293 to set up an appointment.
You will receive 40% of the final selling price.

Turnabout Shoppe in Wellesley
For designer.
Call 781-237-4450 to set up an appointment.
You will receive 50% of the final selling price.

For all locations, make sure your clothing is neat and clean. Different stores have different preferences as to folded vs. hangers, so ask when you call. They all take in season woman's clothing, and most take shoes, bags, and other accessories as well. In addition, policies on what to do with unsold clothing once the consignment period is over vary. Most, if not all will donate the clothing if you would like, some you can set up a time to pick them up, and some will only donate them. Appoints last from about 20-30 minutes. So go clean out your closets and get some cash!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Any Sun

Two sunny days in a row! I decided to take a walk around my neighborhood this morning to celebrate the fantastic weather, and came across a yard sale. Cleverly concealed between a basket and a tin, I found an old Polaroid camera! I have been looking for a new one ever since I took mine to school and had it stolen. I snatched up that little sucker as fast as I could and paid $2. It even had two pictures left in it!

I spent a lovely day doing all of the errands that have needed to be done for quite some time, which didn't give me much photo opportunity. However, around sunset I ventured out and found myself in front of this old abandoned house in my neighborhood. Looking up at its crickety old mystery, I snapped that. To my delight, the camera snapped, and ghostly looking square popped out. (It even had a working flash!). Minutes later, I had this little beauty:

The color isn't as strong as it could be; partially because the film had been sitting in the camera for who knows how long, and partially because there is always a loss of quality with a scan.

Skip The Patriotism

Yet another American Apparel warehouse event that I will be missing out on. If you live in LA, you have been given a second chance you lucky dog! American Apparel is having another flea market for you folks! Today and tomorrow, head on over to 747 Warehouse st. for music, tacos, cotton candy, a dunk tank, snow cones, and of course, super discounted apparel! What more could you ask for?

But wait! Even if you don't live in LA, you can still get a super deal online. Check it out.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Sonny Boy

Boy, was it sunny today! It's been raining for about a month, and the forecast calls for at least another ten days. I feel like I'm living in Seattle.

I Dream Of Geanie

Last night I had this dream where I was at my school and I was holding this big pink balloon. It was about twice the size of a normal balloon, and had a HUGE string. The helium in it was so strong that it would lift me up and I would float about a foot above the ground for a few seconds. Then, I would glide back down, only to go right back up shortly after. I wonder what this means. Probably that I was more affected (effected? I never get this right) by the movie Up than I realized.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Eye Sea

These ultra-vamped librarian glasses just make me laugh. I would never be bold enough to wear them, and I don't think that I would want to be. BUT it is nice to see something so classic turned into something so funky.