I always forget about the wonderful world of the matinee, but boy is it swell. Last Thursday I finally went to see Up in the afternoon and was delighted when the lady responded "That will be $6.75 please" to my request for one ticket to the 2:50 showing of Up.
It turned out to be this summers Wall-E; Pixar's much hyped summer kid flick that everyone sees. Like Wall-E the hype was so strong that by the time I finally went to see it I was a bit let down. It was oh so overrated. Since everyone said that it was AMAZING, I was expecting perfection. It was a lovely movie, and I think I would have enjoyed it a lot more if people hadn't raved so much; my expectations were too high. And if I had paid eleven dollars to see it, I would have been upset. BUT, for six seventy-five, I was content.
I'm often hesitant to go to movies because after popcorn and a drink, if I don't like said movie that's twenty bucks I'll never see again. However, I was pleasantly reminded that most movie theaters have a matinee price of about $6.75 for shows that start before 6pm (Generally. Check your local movie theatre for individual times).
Plus, since movie theater popcorn makes me feel queesy I pop my own at home, which is much better for my wallet and my health. Grab a bag of kernels at your local grocery store, drizzle a tiny bit of canola oil on the bottom of a pot (the recipie on the bag calls for about 3 tablespoons, but that is complete nonsense. A dabb really will do ya, I promise!), add said kernels, and await magic! When they are all good and popped, grab a brown bag (those used for elementary school lunches work best), fill 'er up, sprinkel with salt, roll down the top, shake, and pack into bag/purse like item.

Finally, toss a reusable waterbottle in your bag, and head out to your marvilous movie (who's price you have just cut in half)! This way, you can see twice as many movies. Or, buy other cool things with your extra cash.
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