A few weeks ago I finally purchased a Holga camera. Not one of those crazy $80 dollar ones that they sell at Urban Outfitters, but a real one from an actual camera store (not my store of choice, but it was close and I couldn't get to my favorite in time). My first roll yielded two good prints, which is pretty good as Holga's go. You can usually hope for one or two good prints from each 12/16 frame roll. I was really looking forward to the square frame that they are famous for, but didn't realize that you have tp rip out the insert first, so this roll is rectangular.

Of course these look much better in person; the scanning distorts the coloring slightly, but I think they still look nice. In the actual print you can see more detail in the man's face.
Another thing that I love about Holga's are the double exposures. Since you wind it yourself to go to the next frame, and there is no machinery to stop you from taking another picture while in the same frame as with standard film cameras, all you have to do is snap again and you have two pictures in one! I haven't quite mastered this yet, but when done right it can yield very pleasing results.

I recently came across this blog, devoted to both black and white as well as color photos taken with these beauties. I really love the color prints; they have that Polaroidish glow to them. The only thing I don't like about color is that 99% of darkrooms are black and white, so you have to have a photo store do the developing and printing, which I feel takes away from the sense of ownership over your work.

Another thing that I love about Holga's are the double exposures. Since you wind it yourself to go to the next frame, and there is no machinery to stop you from taking another picture while in the same frame as with standard film cameras, all you have to do is snap again and you have two pictures in one! I haven't quite mastered this yet, but when done right it can yield very pleasing results.

I recently came across this blog, devoted to both black and white as well as color photos taken with these beauties. I really love the color prints; they have that Polaroidish glow to them. The only thing I don't like about color is that 99% of darkrooms are black and white, so you have to have a photo store do the developing and printing, which I feel takes away from the sense of ownership over your work.
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