I was going through a pile of baby pictures a while ago and found a bunch of me wearing these super cute pumpkin, strawberry, and raspberry hats. I asked my mom where she had gotten them, and she told me that a friend of hers had knit them for me! I got super excited and asked said friend for the pattern, which appeared magically in by inbox a few days later! I didn't do an actual fruit; mine is white with a green stem, but its pretty fly all the same. I don't have a picture of it, but the one above is me when I was a wee little one. I also made a set for a friends twin girls; one white with a green stem, one green with a white stem. You can't see them super well in the picture, but it's the best I got.
Here's the pattern so you can make your very own! (If you click on the, they get bigger)

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